Antigone, daughter of the doomed King Oedipus, defies the orders of the State’s ruler, Creon, and buries her brother Polynikis. Her act of love and rebellion triggers a sequence of dramatic events surrounding hers and Creon’s unbending stances. But it is Antigone’s courage, bravery and faith in love that touches us the most. After all, as her own sister conformingly tells her, “You ought to realise we are only women, not meant in nature to fight against men.”
“Antigone” is about the underdog who fights the system, it is a play where the protagonist is a strong young woman; something rare even nowadays.
In “Oedipus” everything goes wrong, “Antigone” is our chance to make things right and stand up for our values and our beliefs as individuals.
Today we think that equality of the sexes, basic freedom rights and individuality are a given. The numbers unfortunately tell a different story. Women are still not equal to men, rights are being violated and societies express religious, political and social pressure on the individual through demagogues and extremists.
This is why it is important for the audiences of 2016 to experience “Antigone”. As Aristotle states “the theatre brings out a catharsis to the audience”, art can be therapeutic and suggest calls to action for matters important to the society and the well being of us all.
Tragedy is about people trying to do the right thing but making mistakes along the way.
Let’s learn from their mistakes and not repeat them in our future. Let’s break the cycle and leave a better world for our daughters and sons.
This is what Antigone fights for.
Antigone is the second production by iTie – The International Theatre in English, part of the Stichting TheodoraVoutsaProductions. Performed by a cast of 30 Dutch and international Artists, it is a multidisciplinary production that pays homage to all the women who once dared to be a girl.
Directed by: Theodora Voutsa
Translation by: Theodora Voutsa
Adaptation by: Cintia Taylor and Theodora Voutsa | Original Work by Cintia Taylor
Music by: Simone Giacomini
Choreography by : Melanja Palitta
Datum: 11 & 12 Maart 2016, 20:30 and November 4th and 25th, 2016 at Het Compagnietheater.
. Contributor: €17,50
. Fellow: €35 (rows 2 & 3 and several privileges)
. Benefactor: €50 (row 1, concierge ticketing and VIP benefits)
Check the TVP website for more information on ticket-benefits:
The performances of “Antigone” on November 4 and 25 are supported by the
Greek National Tourism Organisation.
Caroline Bech, Gerben Tuin, Simona Beltrami, Chandler Bullock, Blanche Belamide, Christine Blaneley, Matthew Carney, Francis Cox, Hale Ceylan, Anna Divani, Laurens De Groot, Imra Dincer, Muge Ergecen, Vasiliki Koutrouli, Murat Gur, Serkan Kaba, Ken Kitchen, Lisa Luca, Elisha Moore, Amelie Onzon, Brian Pagan, Perikles Panagouleas, Leon Van Waas, Martha Van Der Bly, Caroline Stas, Christine Bolis, Iris Wester.
Special appearances by: Saskia Houttin, Sophie van Leeuwen
Guest StarringAdrian Brine as Tiresias
Translation: Theodora Voutsa, Adaptation: Cintia Taylor and Theodora Voutsa, Original Work and Dialogue by Cintia Taylor, Music: Simone Giacomini, Choreography: Melanja Palitta, Lights: Chico Wadilie, Costumes: Katerina Papanikolaou, Executive Producer: Theodora Voutsa and Greta Oros, Stage Manager: Despoina Kairi, Production Administrator: Despoina Moisiadou, Assistant to the Production: Kyra Pyromali, Assistant to costume designer: Olga Papadima, Administrative: Chiara Graniero
Directed by Theodora Voutsa
Stichting Theodora Voutsa Productions
Nityen Lal, Nikos Patiniotakis, Margarita Hadjinasiou.
Advisory Board:
Hans Kemna, San Fu Maltha, Robert De Hoog
Sponsored by:
The performances of “Antigone” on November 4 and 25 are supported by the
Greek National Tourism Organisation.
and the Greek Community in Amsterdam.
The TVP Foundation would like to thank
for their support:
Hans Kemna,
Cameron Duncan, the Greek Community in Amsterdam,
Dirk Blom, Selim Dogru, Dr. Sheetal Shah, Sandy Topzand,
Saskia Maas, Edgar Nijman, Chiara Graniero, ACT, Youval Kuipers, Eleni Skarveli, Tatiana Markaki, The Professional Women’s Network,
Het Compagnietheater and
Jacqueline van Benthem.
The performances of “Antigone” on November 4 and 25 are supported by the