Do you want to learn Acting and Personal Development Techniques for Creative Leadership?
Great! Listen to the podcast by The Los Angeles Method.
TLAM is a dynamic combination of Acting and Personal Development Techniques.
The definition of acting is “Living Truthfully under Imaginary Circumstances”. Acting is not pretending.
Personal Development is about being 100% responsible and conscious of the reality you are creating for your self.
We combine the two to create a method that gives you the tools to create the personal and business life you want and deserve; the same way an actor builds a Role.
Our mission is to change the world by empowering one individual at a time. Enough coaching, more acting!
Welcome! My name is Theodora.
I am a very creative person and I wear different “hats” that express me.
I am filmmaker, a theatre creator, a teacher. All my identities are based on creative expression, connection and freedom.
I am the founder of 88 Productions, an award winning production house; led by women, focused on storytelling. We produce short films, documentaries, videos, we create theatre productions and we run an acting studio. In the acting studio we teach The Los Angeles Method; a dynamic combination of Acting and Personal Development Techniques.
It all started for me when I was really very young. I always knew I loved stories. I loved telling them, listening to them, helping others expressing them.
My father was one of the most legendary actors in Greece, which means I grew up in film sets, studios, theatre dressing rooms. He is the reason I love this business so much; the SHOW business.
I have learned early on that if you want to succeed, you need to show up and be willing to tell your story.
This is what I have been doing with my work through filmmaking, videography, theatre creation, photography, our Acting Studio; supporting people in showing up, sharing their authenticity, their voice and making an impact.
I believe the world can become a better place if we empower and lift each other. I do that through the stories I tell in my films and videos, at my photoshoots, in my theatre plays and in my classes. We empower one person at a time. Enough coaching, more acting! Time for Creative Leadership!
Love and Light to all.
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