Video Projects by 88


A Light in the Darkness | A visual poem

"A Light in the Darkness" is a short film - visual poem about depression, inspired by Emily Dickinson, Rumi and Simone DeBeauvoir, written and directed by Theodora Maria Voutsa. Starring Rebecca Berger "I experienced depression a few times throughout my life. What I realised is that I was not depressed because I was unhappy, I was depressed because I did not express myself. If you or someone you know is struggling with depression, you are not alone. Reach out to friends, family, or a mental health professional for support. Your story is important, and there are people who want to help." -Theodora (c) 2024


Our Love is their Home | a TCK story

A short story inspired by the many TCK stories I have heard so far while working on my TCK documentary.
Are you a TCK? Do you struggle with similar questions?
What is best for our kids?
Roots or Wings?


Where is Home | a TCK documentary - taster

It all started when… my daughter Ilektra asked me why I was English and I am not Singaporean like her. I am not English and Ilektra is not Singaporean. I am Greek, so is my husband. That is when I was introduced to the term TCK; Third Culture Kids. Third Culture Kids are kids raised in cultures different from their parents’ passports. Ilektra lives in Singapore, but she is not really experiencing the Singaporean culture and she does not really experience the Greek one, it is something in between. I started talking to friends and realised there were others like me, who had no idea about the 250 million TCKs around the world. The need to bring awareness and gather the stories arose and therefore the creation of the TCK Documentary.


Pass Me Forward

We won third place at the Sus Ads Video Challenge Organised by REACH and co-organised by mm2 Entertainment & AsiaOne.

A 60 second short story about Sustainable Living. The fashion industry is the second-largest consumer of the world’s water supply. Our clothes go through a complex manufacturing process that uses an extraordinary amount of electricity and water. Just washing some types of clothes releases micro fibres into the ocean each year equivalent to 50 billion plastic bottles. 3 out of 5 of our clothes end up in landfill within 12 months… What can we do about it? We can PASS IT FORWARD. A letter from your dress, asking you to give it a chance to make an impact by passing it forward. Fashion does not have to kill the planet. We have been conditioned to buy new. But, today, being new does not matter. What matters is what we do in our clothes; getting that job, enjoying that birthday party, enjoying that divorce party... being ourselves, expressing ourselves and at the same time creating a sustainable future for us and our kids. Change the rules and pass it forward | Written and Directed by Theodora Maria Voutsa.


WIND | Music Video

WIND | Song and Music Written and Performed by


Music Video | Written and Directed by



Meet Castlery

88 Productions was commissioned by Enterprise Singapore to create videos that showcase local Singaporean companies. It was a great pleasure working with the Castlery people on this video and learning more about the great work environment they create for their employees.


check out more projects by 88 Productions: